- Fred E. Baxter,
Promoter of "unconstitutional" concept that
the entire area in front of 479 Perry Highway is
Baxter has repeatedly confused driveway with
alley, and he seems to be totally confused as to what a
sidewalk is, the following definitions are presented.
- Pronunciation: 'a-lE
- Function: noun
- Inflected Form(s): plural alleys
- Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French alee,
from Old French, from aler to go
- Date: 14th century
- 1 : a garden or park walk bordered by trees or
- 2 a (1) : a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles
(2) : a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or
building housing a group of such lanes b : the space on
each side of a tennis doubles court between the sideline
and the service sideline c : an area in a baseball
outfield between two outfielders when they are in normal
- 3 : a narrow street; especially : a thoroughfare
through the middle of a block giving access to the rear
of lots or buildings
- - up one's alley also down one's alley : suited to
one's own tastes or abilities
- Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R)
Dictionary, 10th Ed
- Pronunciation: -"wA
- Function: noun
- Date: 1871
- : a private road giving access from a public way
to a building on abutting grounds
- Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R)
Dictionary, 10th Ed
- "That portion of a street between curb lines, or the
lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property
lines, intended for use by pedestrians."
- Sidewalk definition from Pennsylvania
State Motor Vehicle Code
- (supplied by the Borough of West
In addition, Fred Baxter
is in denial regarding his loss at Common Pleas Court where
his absurd concept of sidewalk was held to be
As an officer of the
court, it would be expected for Fred Baxter to be honest
with the court and exhibit integrity.
His gross
misstatements and misrepresentations to the court have
proven just the opposite to be
He seems to be incapable of spelling either of
his job functions, as witnessed from part of his Financial
Disclosure Statement of Feb 25, 1999 seen above. I bet he
would have no trouble spelling circuitous---the route
he has continued to take regarding this stupid parking
nonsense and insists on relentlessly pursuing, ad
Architect of Vindictive Prosecution based on
completely irrational ideas, and bolstered by false
Much can be said about
this man, but he is not stupid! Why then would he
relentlessly pursue a sidewalk obstruction charge when there
was no sidewalk obstructed? The bogus sidewalk obstruction
charge would be like trying to put a man in the electric
chair, when there was no crime! Why would he represent the
Borough before several District Justices, and then to Common
Pleas Court? Why would he continue a totally vindictive
prosecution before the West View Zoning Board? Could the
answer possibly be...............
...the hard earned tax
dollars provided by the residents of West View Borough, and
happily diverted to him by the power brokers of West View
Mr. Baxter is in a really
great position! As the Attorney for West View Water
Authority, his boss is Daniel M. Daugherty--the same Daniel
Daugherty who is President Of the West View Council, and the
one everyone says runs the show in West View. How
No wonder the man
marinates in powerful cologne, wears designer shoes, a $1000
Movado Esperanzo watch, and drives an expensive